Monday, September 15, 2008

I get to go to school now too!!

Andrew started preschool on September 9th and is absolutely loving it! I wasn't sure how he would react to a new teacher and me leaving him there, but all went great! He loves his teacher and he was just fine staying at school without me! Yeah! I'm so proud of my little Drew!

I couldn't help but post this picture too. This is the face he does to everyone....especially strangers. Ha!


  1. OK I know you shouldn't say this about boys expecially if you ask my little guy he's very serious when he says "boys are handsome not beautiful mom." but he is just beautiful! I love his little expressions. What a smile and those eyes. He's going to have all the little girls in preschool following him around. Hope everything is going great for your family!

  2. He is such a cute kid. I'm glad he did well!

  3. I cannot believe how big he is getting! Jaida started preschool (joyschool) too! Our babies aren't babies anymore! :(

  4. Wow Mohna, he is all grown up. I know we were just out to visit, but in my mind at least, all my little nieces and nephews are stuck at their ages and sizes they were before we moved out here! So, when I think of Andrew, I think of this little toddling baby!!! He is a handsome boy...just like all of your other handsome boys! :)

  5. Hey, I found your blog through Jen's. I love the "school" pictures. He is too cute.
