Sunday, October 12, 2008

2nd Annual Inkom Ward Harvest Cook-Off

Our ward had a great activity this past Saturday! It was a cook-off with several categories we could enter. The categories were soups, rolls/breads, desserts, desserts made by kids, and pumpkin carving. We entered the soup and pumpkin carving categories and to my surprise I won first place for my soup....yummy homemade chicken noodle soup! (Gotta love how they spelled Thuernagle! Ha!) Our pumpkins didn't win but I thought they were pretty neat so check 'em out below!


  1. Congratulations Mohna!!! That is so awesome that you won 1st place for your soup! Both of the pumpkins were so cool too! Happy Fall! Denise McReynolds

  2. Woohoo!! Very impressive! Ya know, I've known you for a long time now, and you have turned into quite the home-maker! Baking, cooking, quilting, etc. etc. etc., you seem to have conquered it all!!

  3. Chicken noodle soup is perfect for this time of year. We made some last night but it seemed to be missing soemthing. Maybe you could share your recipe with us - unless it's a secret recipe ;)

  4. yum. i want to try some. that is awesome. congrats!

  5. Yeah you!!! I'd love a copy of your recipe if you feel like sharing. Love and Hugs to all!!
