Friday, December 30, 2011

Jon's Wood Badge Course

Jon was able to be on staff for a different Wood Badge course than me. His was in November at the Hoback. It was so beautiful right there by the river. I was able to do the portraits for his course which was great.

Here is the whole clan! Jon is on the bottom right and Caleb is on the front row by the log.


Jon made some good friends with other people on staff. This is Matt Holtman whom Jon admires a lot.

Every Wood Badge course does a service project at the place they have it. Their project was to replace some of the seating at the fire bowl. It was an enormous project and left Jon wiped out but proud of the accomplishment.

Caleb had the special experience to be a Youth Rep. There is a scout that is assigned to each of the 8 patrols. Caleb was assigned to the Antelope patrol. Caleb loved being a Youth Rep!

Receiving the green neckerchief with the Wood Badge council patch is an honor in the scout world.

There are a couple activities where the Youth Reps are in charge. Here Caleb was in charge of teaching a game. The patrol had to use sections of PVC pipe to carry a marble from one place to another without seeing it.


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