Sunday, October 14, 2012

Who knew we'd be proud of eggs

It never seems to get old going out each night to see how many eggs we get.  They come in different sizes and colors and patterns.  Sometimes they have speckles and sometimes they are shiny, and sometimes they are really oval shaped.  It's a surprise everyday!

This shows the comparison from an egg from a mature hen to chickens that just started laying.  The two smaller ones are from our Aeraucana chickens, they lay green and pink eggs.  It looks close but the big egg is more brown.
The first egg is from our Bantam hen (it's so tiny and cute), then an Aeraucana egg, and an egg from a mature hen.

We love our fresh eggs!!  Althougth recently since our roosters matured, Jon won't eat the eggs.  I'm trying to find new homes for the roosters...sad but we don't want to have dad not enjoying our eggs.

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