Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lesson learned

A few days ago we had the privilege of having a few horses join us here in lovely Inkom. We've been out there everyday with them loving them, brushing them, riding them, and just trying to become friends with them. One of the horses Jon and I just purchased and is the "new" horse that we're still mulling over a name for. She's a beautiful sorrow (sp?) quarter horse and has a sweet disposition about her.
Yesterday Jon decided it was time to try to saddle her. We lead her out of the coral and with some team work were able to get the saddle on her just fine. She was nervous...as were we...which is probably why what happened....happened. As Jon was buckling one of the straps under her belly, I was holding on to the lead rope. Suddenly she got spooked and reared up on her hind legs just towering over me. I instinctively pulled down on the lead rope, but she was not settled one bit and came towards me too quickly. I backed up as fast as my little feet could until I tripped and she went bucking over me. I hit pretty hard on the ground and she stepped on me on my hip but that thank goodness was all. My hip is a beautiful pallet of colors now and my tail bone and lower left side of my back are very sore. I never realized how I took for granted how easy it usually is to put on my socks. We still are very excited to have the horses here, but learned just how powerful those beautiful animals are and how easily accidents can happen. Hopefully the next story about our horses will be one that talks about what adventures we had riding them!


  1. OH, so sorry Mohna. That doesn't sound too fun. And that is why I am afraid of horses--just too big for me. You're going to have to post some pictures of your horses.

  2. Mohna, are you okay for real? That sounds bad. A little free advice...(just ignore it if you don't like it!) But, always stand to the side of the horse when you're holding the lead rope, not directly in front, that way you can quickly move out of the way if you need to. Also, always be aware of how you're holding the rope, never loop it around your fingers, wrists, etc. It's always better to let go and catch the horse later than to injure your hands. :) I'm excited for you guys...I loved growing up around horses!

  3. Hmm...I have a feeling this is the first of many experiences you'll have w/ horses. They can be so much fun, but can also be scary! I saw my dad get kicked so many times growing up that I lost count. Let us know when they're all broke, and we'll come out and ride. I haven't ridden a horse for years!!!

  4. oh my! We too, hope you are really okay! Give us a call if we can help with the boys or anything. LOVE YOU!

  5. Ouch! I hope you are recovering quickly. I am looking forward to seeing pics of the horses.

  6. Scary! Glad you're OK. I'm sure any one of you sweet boys would be happy to help you with your socks! ;)

  7. Hey cutie,
    What an awesome blog! I can't believe you were hurt by your horse! I am so glad that nothing was broken! Also, my kids loved seeing the star wars jedi training! How awesome!!! Sure love and miss you guys!
    Rachel Browning
