Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lots of random things

I have a tendency to a lot quicker about posting about things of landmarks, like birthdays, Christmas, etc.. But it's the other memories that really are just as important. So here are some random things from the last several months I have neglected.

Earlier in winter the snow started to fly and Andrew was in heaven! He bundled up and ran out to go play! There is something so fun in shoveling snow!

I can't remember the details but I think I came home one night from doing something and found 3 boys snuggled up in bed. Dad is really good at making "nuggle spots"!

Jon is so good about going out in the freezing cold and blizzards to take the boys sledding on our road with the 4-wheeler. And they could go all day! The cousins joined in too and had a hoot! The bottom right picture shows them out in the pasture where the snow was fluffy and thick. The middle right picture is Andrew all bundled up! And the bottom left picture is Caleb letting the snow blast him from hitting bumps.
One of the first nice spring days in early April we were all out soaking in the sun and playing and working in the yard. I was pulling weeds and Andrew and McKay (his cousin) were so willing to help dump them for me. They each grabbed a wheel barrow and off they went. Joshua and Maryn (his cousin) were enjoying the trampoline in the breeze.


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