Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A loved one lost and a new love gained

Last week our kitty Gatsby got sick and had to be taken to the vet. A few days later we lost him. He had developed a urinary blockage, which in turn ruined his kidneys and took him. It was a tough thing to face because Gatsby was my sweet kitty and I love him very much. Caleb had a hard time too and even said "Why did I have to lose my best friend?" We enjoyed the 4 years we had with Gatsby very much and will cherish our memories of him.






The day Gatsby died my sweet Jon came home with a surprise! This darling kitten. It was hard at first to accept him. I was still missing Gatsby too much, but I knew it wouldn't take long for me to love him. We named him Socks and he is all kitten right now!

The boys can't get enough of him!

He has the prettiest stripes all over.
And is fuzzier than a fuzz ball!

We have this toy mouse that he chases all over the place and then konks out after playing. It's been fun to see Jon even having snuggle time.

"Pick Me! Pick Me!" I caught this hiya! action mid cleaning. :)

The wonderful thing about all this is Socks doesn't replace Gatsby, but will add to the fond memories we make with our pets.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry! I know how hard it is to say good bye to our sweet loved ones. Such beautiful pictures though! What a cutie Socks is! Give him a snuggle for me!
