Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wood Badge - What an experience!

About 2 years ago I attended Wood Badge for the first was an amazing learning experience! This time around I was asked to be on staff. There was a lot of preparation involved...I started meetings for it 6 months before the event. I had to prepare to give 5 presentations to a small group of people that I would be a leader over called a Troop Guide. So Wood Badge came and I left home for 8 days! I enjoyed the other "staffers" so much and became really close with my patrol (a group of 6 people). It was hard to separate from them when I had to leave them at different times as the week went on and let them learn on their own. I look forward to the next time I get to be on staff at Wood Badge...but I'm sure a couple years off wouldn't be a bad thing. It definitely is a big commitment!

This number you see here is the course number. The W2 is our area the 107 is the council the 11 is the year and the 2 means the second course of the year.

At the same time I was at Wood Badge, Caleb had the opportunity to go to Cedar Badge at the same time and place. He loved it! (Except for waking up at 6am every morning!) Cedar Badge is a leadership training for the boys. It correlates with Wood Badge which is the leadership training for the adults. I think that is so awesome!

I had the great opportunity to take all the portraits of the different groups at Wood Badge. It was fun, but tricky when I had to be in it!

This is my patrol...the Beavers! Every patrol has a critter they are associated with and will be for life. I am a Fox!

This is the staff...amazing people! I feel so lucky to have gotten to know them and learn so much from them! (I'm on the top row far right.)

And this is the whole Troop. All the participants and staff. It was quite a group with lots of fun people I was able to get to know. I am on the first row on the bench, 4th from the left in the yellow shirt.

I could never express through words well enough what a wonderful experience Wood Badge is. It's not just a scouting thing it's also a personal thing too. You grow so much and make many wonderful associations with people. I am so grateful for such an inspired program!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Wood Badge! I'm impressed. Our scout leaders went last summer, but I didn't go. That's a LOT of work! Congrats! (What is your position)?
