Sunday, November 2, 2008

Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Today I made the chicken noodle soup again that I talked about in a previous post so I thought I should post the recipe because it is so scrumptious. It really helps if you have a noodle roller to roll out the dough flat. The dough is very elastic and is hard to do with a rolling pin (but not impossible). So here it is:

2 eggs
1 tsp. salt
4 tbs. milk
2 c. flour

Mix. Cut dough into 4 pieces then roll thin. Cut into thin strips (I use a cutting board as a straight edge and a pizza cutter). Microwave each batch 3 minutes.

4 cans chicken broth
1 c. water
4 cubes chicken bouillon
2 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
3 carrots or bunch of mini carrots, cut in chunks
1 onion, cut in chunks
2-3 celery stalks, cut in chunks

In large pan combine chicken broth, water, and bouillon, bring to boil. Add vegetables, chicken, and egg noodles. Simmer for 1 hour.

Hope you enjoy! It's definitely a favorite of ours!


  1. Mmm, I'm glad you posted that, it sounds YUMMY! I've never made homemade noodles before though, and I must say the thought intimidates me!

  2. Thanks for posting your recipe. Very nice of you to share it. I'll definitely like to try it sometime.

  3. You are soooo cute! Your Halloween costume was AWSOME!!! I didn't know you cooked. I totally be trying this recipe out. Got anymore up your sleve I must try?

  4. Thanks so much for posting your recipe. Today would be the perfect day for soup of I had all the ingredients!

  5. You should just jar that soup and sell it!! Its so yummy! So.. with this blog stuff, do people reply to comments on their own blog or on someone else's? hehe - not sure how it works.. cuz I wanted to also reply to your comment about my paint skills - i had to zoom in super close because it was all over the place! And clay laughed at it because he was as tall as the basketball hoop! rude huh!!

  6. This has nothing to do with soup, but I'm not sure where to put this so... I tag you for the Husband Tag post I did on my blog. If.. thats how it works :D
