Monday, January 12, 2009

Photographer in training...Beware!

I finally got brave today to tackle my new camera. It has more settings on it than a spaceship I think! I absolutely love photography but could never really take pictures like I have wanted to with our little camera. I have a lot to learn and need a lot of practice but I'm excited to open my horizons with photography!


  1. Mohna, did you guys get a new puppy? OOhhh...I just wanted to grab the cute little thing right out of the picture and snuggle him! cute is that?

  2. WAIT A MINUTE!! Did you get a doggy?! He's super cute!! Also, I like the fast car picture and I'm so glad Andrew finally got that! Yaya!!!

  3. I am looking forward to all the great pics yet to come. What's your zoom? I am happy for Andrew.

  4. What's up with the dog?
    Great pictures though

  5. Great pictures!!!!! What kind of camera do you have?

    Doesn't 4years old seem so old. I still feel like they should be babies.
