Monday, June 14, 2010

Wow my Little Andrew is heading to Kindergarten!

Andrew has finished his last year of preschool and is headed on to big, bad kindergarten! Okay maybe not big, about awesome and fun! His teacher Ms. Jen was amazing and has helped Andrew be very prepared for kindergarten. I'm so proud of Andrew and all that he learned through the year!

Isn't that smile irresistible!?This really is Andrew's best friend, Siera. "The Face" is just 'cause he really likes her. :)
There were 3 classes combined for the graduation program. They did awesome!
Oops! Looks like Zorro "Z" lost his mask!

Andrew is still young, but I definitely see a bright future ahead for him!

1 comment:

  1. He's getting so tall!! Can't believe he's already done with preschool!
