Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Craters of the Moon

I had the awesome opportunity of going on a field trip with Caleb at the end of school to the Craters of the Moon. It's a couple of hours away (so the bus ride was dandy!) It was a very chilly day but we had so much fun going on a big hike in the park. You wouldn't think an old, massive lava flow would be anything grand but it was!

We saw many of these colorful rocks around. The colors were beautiful!I don't know what was more striking...the scenery or the wind. It was blowing us around like little leaves!
If you look at the people that are farthest away in this picture, they are leaning into the wind without anyone supporting them. The wind was soooooo... strong! I've never hiked in wind like that before!
This cave was so much fun for the kids. They would go in one hole and pop out somewhere else. It was a little tunnel system under there.
Can't resist some photography opportunities!

I'd love to go back with all the kids and investigate other areas of the park sometime.

1 comment:

  1. I always love looking at your blog!!!! Your pictures are so interesting and fun!
