Thursday, April 16, 2009

Scouts & Animals

Over a year ago I was called to be in the Cub Scouts as a Bears Leader (which has been so much fun! We get to play almost every week...can't beat that!) Recently they changed me to a Webelos Leader. Anyway, last summer I went to a Scout camp for Leaders for 4 days straight and had a ball! We had to set 5 goals called Paw Prints and when you finished them you received a pin that goes on the patch from the camp. Here I am receiving my pin, which Jon was able to pin me! I love how the leaders can find accomplishment in what we do along with the boys!
About a week ago Jon was able to purchase a new horse for us at the DNCFR (only Idahoans probably know what that stands for :) ...Dodge National Circuit Finals Rodeo) auction. He is a 6 year old gelding and we named him Deuce. He is well trained so hopefully we finally have a horse that won't freak out on us amateurs when we use him!
This picture really doesn't do him justice...within 2 minutes of him being put in the pasture he decided to roll around in the mud...there goes all that nice grooming that was done for him for the sale!
Our kitty Gatsby has the most amazing blue eyes but it is so hard to capture in a picture. I thought this one turned out pretty good.


  1. OH, you are so cute in your scout shirt!! Really, you are!

  2. Wow! Sounds like a great week! Congrats on the Boy Scouts accomplishment and on adding Deuce to your family! Gatsby looks SO much like my kitty, Abbie! I'll have to send you a photo of her! Denise

  3. I didn't know you were a scout leader! What a fun job, especially to be able to be with Caleb! You are amazing!

  4. Okay... how completely cute are you in a uniform??? Jon's gotta love that!
